Amateur Lithopanspermia

Talk + installation

CLICK / Adriana Knouf / USA / 2022 / 60 min.

Torsdag 25. august 2022 / Kulturværftet / Hal 19
Kl. 19.00
Fri entré – men hent gratis billet

Den 25. august vil kunstner Adriana Knouf holde foredrag og fremvise nyt værk på Kulturværftet i Helsingør. Eventen er gratis og sker som del af kunstnerens residency på Art Hub Copenhagen og samarbejde med CLICK. Adriana vil med sin talk fortælle om en mulig fremtid for rumudforskning, der er queer, non-binær, transkønnet og postkolonial.

Amatør Lithopanspermia er et eksperiment i svampe-menneske-hybrider med det formål at udvikle nye strategier for rumrejser. I stedet for at fokusere på at indrette rumrejser efter den menneskelige form, foreslår Adriana Knouf, at vi fusionerer aspekter af os selv med organismen lav, en ekstremofil der kan håndtere rummets hærgen.

Adriana Knoufs værk tager udgangspunkt i udviklingen af et unikt solsegl der skal transportere dette fusionerede materiale ud i rummet. Et projekt der bl.a. behandler hvordan man kan anskue rejser til det ydre rum fra et queer, trans- og postkolonialt perspektiv.

Således er værket en anledning til at tale om de udfordringer der bl.a. omfatter underrepræsentationen af kvinder, omfattende racisme og racistiske strukturer, blindhed for personer med funktionsnedsathed og LGBTQ+-personer i diskurser og aktiviteter omkring rumrejser.

Her lægges op til en dyb refleksion om den renhedsideologi der styrer videnskaben indenfor rumrejser, samt en udforskning af begrebet xenologi med en analyse og udvikling af det fremmede og det fremmede. Art Hubs residency og samarbejdet med CLICK er støttet af S+T+ARTS som står for ”Science and Technology in the Arts”, og er initieret og finansieret af EU-kommissionen.

Adriana Knouf, PhD (NL/US), kunstner, forfatter og xenolog. Hun arbejder med emner som våde medier, rumkunst, satellitter, radiotransmission, ikke-menneskelige møder, droneflyvning, queer- og transfremtider, machine learning, stemmen og fremstilling af papir. Hun er grundlægger af, og facilitator i the tranxxenolab, et nomadisk kunstnerisk forskningslaboratorium, der fremmer forviklinger mellem trans- og xeno-subjekter. Adriana præsenterer sin kunstneriske forskning i hele verden – samt uden for verden. Dette inkluderer et værk, der har rejst med Den Internationale Rumstation. Hendes arbejde er blevet anerkendt med en række priser herunder en Award of Distinction ved Prix Ars Electronica (2021), en Honorary Mention fra the Science Fiction Research Association’s Innovative Research Award, og hun er prisvinder ved The Lake’s Works for Radio #4 (2020).



Støttet af: Statens Kunstfond, Creative Europe

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Amateur Lithopanspermia

Talk + Installation

CLICK / Adriana Knouf / USA / 2022 / 60 min.

Torsdag 25. august 2022 / Kulturværftet / Hal 19
Kl. 19.00
Free admission, but get free ticket

On the 25th of August artist Adriana Knouf will give a talk and preview new work at The Cultureyard in Elsinore, as part of her residency at Art Hub Copenhagen and collaboration with CLICK. Adriana will give a talk on a possible future for space exploration, that is queer, trans, decolonized, beyond binary thinking, and themes of purity. This will be followed by a preview of her new art installation which has been developed at The Cultureyard during the month of August.

Amateur Lithopanspermia is an experiment in lichen-human hybrids for the purpose of space travel. Rather than focusing on making space travel amenable to the human form, Adriana Knouf propose that we merge aspects of ourselves with an organism, lichen, that can deal with the ravages of space.

Collection of human materials that will sustain the lichen will occur from those who are often excluded from space activities, such as women, people of color, the differently abled, and LGBTQ+ people. The consensual collection of materials, as well as the offering of these materials to the lichen, inverts the usual relationship between humans and other living entities. These lichen-human hybrids will be encased in fallen meteorites, thus launching from earth what has already come here from the cosmos.

The rocks+hybrids will travel to Mars, or elsewhere in the solar system, using solar sails as their means of propulsion, obviating the need for chemical propellant in space. Workshops here on earth will weave new tales about non-anthropocentric space travel. These stories become technologies themselves, as they allow us to make manifest new desires for our more-than-human lives in outer space, pushing against colonialist and extractivist narratives.

Additionally, the project questions the desire for “purity” in making contact with other worlds in the solar system, highlighting the necessity of contamination and mixing when differing others come into contact. The Art Hub residency and collaboration with CLICK for Adriana Knouf is funded på S+T+ARTS, which stands for ‘Science and Technology in the Arts’, and is an EU initiative funded by the European Commission.

Adriana Knouf, PhD (NL/US) works as an artist, writer, and xenologist. She engages with topics such as wet media, space art, satellites, radio transmission, non-human encounters, drone flight, queer and trans futurities, machine learning, the voice, and papermaking. She is the Founding Facilitator of the tranxxenolab, a nomadic artistic research laboratory that promotes entanglements among entities trans and xeno. Adriana regularly presents her artistic research around the world and beyond, including a work that has flown aboard the International Space Station. Her work has been recognized by a number of awards, including an Award of Distinction at Prix Ars Electronica (2021), an Honorary Mention from the Science Fiction Research Association’s Innovative Research Award, and she is a prize winner in The Lake’s Works for Radio #4 (2020).



Støttet af: Statens Kunstfond, Creative Europe